Tuesday, October 30, 2018

four months with m&m.

Ohh it's been the best month yet with these two.  Month four will forever be known as the month where WE SLEPT!  And the twins slept! All night!  And lots during the day!  Hallelujah!  The day they turned three month and ever since, something clicked with the twins and they become little dream babies.  They usually go down for the night after a bath around 7-7:30, and don't wake up to eat again until 4:40 and sometimes as late as 5:30.  Then after a quick feeding, they go down until they wake for the day around 7:30.  During the day they have been napping well and take about two 2 hour naps, a 1 hour nap, and then a cat nap before bed.  I know teething will be here soon and they don't sleep as well, but we sure are enjoying the rest we have missed so much!

The girls have become little social butterflies this month.  They are so smiley and starting to babble.  Meg is consistently the more social one, Mila is still a tad more serious, but much more smiley than last month.  They are so much fun.

Meg is a hair above nine pounds and Mila is getting close to eleven pounds.  Meg is still in newborn diapers and clothes but Mila finally graduated to size one diapers and we are busting out some 0-3 outfits finally.  I pretty much match them every day except when I'm needing to do laundry.

The girls are still little piggies and love to eat.  I'm nursing tons during the day but still can't keep up with their demands!  They scarf a little formula a couple times a day and love it, too.

We have heard teeny tiny giggles a couple times!

The girls had their very first of many trips to Disneyland and are pro travelers already.  Disney runs in their genes!  They were oohed and ahhed at in their princess onesies by passerbys and ate it right up.

Still not rolling over or scooting or doing any big girl things.  I'm totally fine with it.  Not ready for mobile babies yet!

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